Some Points to Consider When You’re Buying Dog Treats

Just like us humans, pets especially dogs love receiving treats and similar to us, they are sometimes consuming big amounts of calories from treats they eat. If you would not be careful, there is a chance that these treats significantly increase the amount of calories in their body which can affect their health in the process. You might not realize it by now but dog gets lots of treats within a day. Many owners are giving their dogs 2 to 4 treats in a day and not thinking much about it until they are asked for the details of their dog’s diet and health history.

Snacks and treats as well that you give to your pet must make up 10 percent of its daily calorie needs. Better ask your vet about the number of treats to be given to them to be sure about it. They will make suggestions based on treats that your dog likes the most, how active your dog is and its weight. But dogs do love treats and their pack and other people love giving them such as it’s a way of establishing bond with them, which is a good thing. There’s nothing wrong in giving treats to your pet; just remember to do it in moderation.

You might want to skip buying snacks from stores as these are oftentimes high in sugar and fat content that also contain preservatives. Ideally, consider giving them some veggies in forms of treats. Green beans, broccolis and baby carrots have almost no calories, which is something you should be giving them. Your dog actually doesn’t care whatever you give them as they will gladly accept it even if it isn’t fatty or meaty. Apparently, dogs are open to any type of foods so vegetables can surely be a good alternative snack for them.

It will be smart of you as well to give them fruits including berries, banana slices, apple slices with no seeds, watermelon. On the other hand, food items which contain caffeine can be toxic to your pet, so better avoid it as much as possible. Other snacks that work nicely as a dog treat include air popped popcorn without butter or salt as well as plain rice cakes that are broken to pieces.

Dog treats must be easy on their teeth and anything that is hard such as antlers, hooves or bones is something that you should avoid giving them. A good and safe treat that you can give to your dog is those that always leave a mark whenever you push your thumb to it.

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