It is easy to combine your entire roster of social media links onto your iPhone. If you are not sure how this is done, then do not fret. This article will show you how to connect your social media to your iPhone.
When using Safari, making phone calls is as easy as just one tap on the screen. For example, you may want to find a local dry cleaner. When locating the number, you don’t have to use the phone component to call them. Simply tap the phone number once and you will automatically be connected.
Are you completely overwhelmed by constant notifications received on your iPhone? This is a simple way to turn them off. The first step is selecting the settings button, next select the notifications bar. While browsing the “Notification Center” area, look for apps that should not be there. This will also help your battery to last longer.
When you’re browsing a website, it’s best to try scrolling with both one finger and two fingers. When a website is divided by multiple boxes, using a single finger to scroll restricts you to individual boxes. When you use two fingers, you’ll be able to scroll across the whole page.
If you are writing anything on the iPhone and do not want to use the predictive text feature, the suggestion box can be dismissed without touching the “X.” You can eliminate the box by simply tapping at any spot on the screen.
Should you be looking for an audible sound for typing, look in your Sound settings and turn on keyboard clicks. This could help reduce the number of errors you make since you can hear when the phone has registered the letters you have touched.
There are times when you are busy and don’t want to be interrupted by notifications on your iPhone. Chances are you’ll want to ignore the notice and finish your task. But there is a simple way to lose that notification. When the pop-up bar appears at the top of your screen, simply swipe it away.
Visit Facebook from your iPhone. Many people already take advantage of the benefits of Facebook while using their iPhone, but some do not know they are able to use Facebook on their iPhone.
Use shortcuts for words, to type faster on your iPhone. Go to the Settings menu, look under General, then Keyboard, and finally Add New Shortcut. You can input abbreviations or acronyms as desired. When you use these shortcuts, the full phrases or words that you designated will be automatically inserted.
You can reduce the typing time on your iPhone. A shortcut to your preferred keyboard can be made by accessing settings section. Phrases you use a good bit are programmed automatically when you do this. Going forward, you won’t need to type them in completely.
You have different methods to look through the contacts you have on your iPhone. You can either scroll through the list using your finger, choose a certain letter and jump to it, or lightly press click on the list. The last option scrolls you rapidly right down the contacts.
Social Media
Chat with friends by using your iPhone’s social media features. You can update Twitter, Facebook and other social networks through your iPhone. Instantly catch all of the latest news and buzz with the social media applications so that you are in the loop sooner than anyone else.
An excellent way to communicate with your iPhone is through FaceTime. You can actually see who you are speaking with as you talk. To make use of FaceTime, look for its button in your contact list or folder. Press it to both hear and see the person you are talking to.
Do you text certain individuals frequently? If so, you should favorite their numbers. You can text and call from your recent calls and favorites lists. Touch the little arrow adjacent to the contact and choose text message. This is a quick way to return calls or texts.
Do not expose your iPhone device to the sun as this can cause damage. If the phone is placed in sunlight for a long time, it could be completely ruined. While internal components are durable enough to withstand typical weather conditions, extreme heat and exposure to direct sunlight can wreak havoc on the device.
You can check out your email from multiple accounts on your iPhone. If your accounts are named identically, you are likely to get confused. Make each name unique, representative of the content in each account.
There is an easy way to remove unwanted emails with just a swipe of your finger. Open your inbox, and pull your finger across the message you do not want (as if you were crossing something off of a list). This will make the delete button appear, and you can get rid of the message without having to open it.
Be certain not to save too many videos that you have no intention of watching soon. You are prompted after watching any video whether you would like it removed. Doing so will let you save storage space.
Using your iPhone’s browser to scroll through a webpage can be difficult. When you’re using your iPhone, you’ll frequently find yourself on the main webpage rather than a small window you intended to scroll through. If you’re having issues, try to zoom in on that window first. Scroll with two fingers.
Stay Connected
It is important to stay connected to your friends and loved ones, and the iPhone helps you to do that quickly and easily. It is an easy way to stay connected to your family and friends all of the time. One reason for the popularity of the iPhone is the possibility of doing this with social media.